Spring is here!
It’s time to give your mind a Good Spring Clean Spring is here! As you sit in the comfort of your favourite chair, or maybe a place where you can relax and enjoy your surroundings, take a moment to wonder and while you wonder, just notice what you notice. It maybe something you see or […]
Sara Pitchford – Dragons, Demons and Castles
Sara Pitchford is a Coach and business manager at A Mind 4 Adventure and i2i Development Solutions Ltd. She’s the one that holds it all together. These are her thoughts from a day in August and I am sure they will resonate with many many people. Dragons, Demons and Castles A Moment of Vulnerability from […]
Lee Mosley – Exploring The Real You
Lee Mosley has had career in Learning and Development and has a number of key roles in business and talent development. He has studied with A Mind 4 Adventure and has grown to be a fabulous coach, currently on a short travelling sabbatical he agreed to be a guest blogger for the AM4A blog. Enjoy […]
Feedback Is A Valuable Thing, Or Is It?
Social conditioning would suggest feedback is powerful tool for us all to learn and grow. I think that many of us would have experiences of where a piece of feedback was the difference that made the difference. The Harvard Business Review article is a very interesting one on the fallacy of feedback, ( https://hbr.org/2019/03/the-feedback-fallacy )Ans […]
Wear Sunscreen
Baz Luhrmann in 1997 told us to “Wear sunscreen.” He said “If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. “ What has […]
What Sort Of NLP Coach Are You?
As someone who has been in the arena of Leadership and Coaching for all of my professional life, it seems strange to see so, so many people referring to themselves as a coach but without any form of coach education. You wouldn’t claim to be a heart surgeon without any training, qualifications and experience, so […]
Models of the World
We all have an understanding about how our world works. Often it has taken years for us to build it. It affords a way of processing and interpreting how we feel the world should work for us. There is always one small challenge with this, it’s based on how we have we have experienced the […]
What Did Your Dad Teach You?
I haven’t really thought about this question until today, not entirely sure why, but possibly because I had just taken it for granted. As a coach and a trainer, it is essential that you in a constant state of curiosity when working with a group or an individual. This means that you take nothing for […]
A Reason, A Season or a Lifetime
Our lives operate to a certain rhythm at certain times and this means that we will engage with and resonate with certain emotions during this time. What are the powerful consequences of this? We it means that ‘birds of a feather flock together’ to coin a very old-fashioned phrase. As a coach I would probably […]
Do you breathe? Have you ever considered how you breathe? Breathing and the way we sit to breathe is a very small and almost insignificant thing for most of us. However, it is something that is so precious and vital to life, but somehow it is just so taken for granted it doesn’t even feature […]